Thank You
To All Who Supported
The Royal Alex This Year
With each passing season in 2020 came a new wave of vigilance and caution. Finally, the world has accepted, come to grips, even with the knowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic is a seminal event whose global and historical significance is still unfolding.
Today we see hope on the horizon. There is now hope that vaccines will mean an end to this devastating, invisible enemy that has touched the lives—and in so many cases, livelihoods—of almost every single one of us in one way or another.
And despite this most challenging year, we at the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation have so much to be grateful for.
The Honour Roll is our annual publication where we celebrate the incredible generosity we have seen over the past year and rejoice in the difference our supporters have made. Through a year wrought with loss, turmoil, and disruption, you, our donors, have remained steadfast.
On behalf of the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the patients it serves, we sincerely thank everyone for their support and certainly look forward to what we can accomplish together in the future.
Sharlene Rutherford, MBA, BPA
President and CEO
Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation
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A Year of
During a year of unexpected change and challenges, one thing that remained constant was the support of donors to the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation. As the needs of our hospital rose, it was our donors who kept us afloat.
The timeline contained within illustrates the impact donors have made throughout this turbulent year. Thank you to everyone who shared their support for our frontline.

MARCH 2020 | APRIL 2020 | MAY 2020 | JUNE 2020 | JULY 2020 | AUGUST 2020 | SEPTEMBER 2020 | OCTOBER 2020 | NOVEMBER 2020 | DECEMBER 2020 | JANUARY 2021 | FEBRUARY 2021 | MARCH 2021
Covid-19 Timeline
As the pandemic waves rose and fell, our care teams marched on with donors by their side along the way.
MARCH 2020
Sharlene Rutherford & Andrew Otway
Shortly after celebrating her 15th year with the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation—ten of which were spent holding the title of Vice President and COO—Sharlene Rutherford is named President and CEO by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Sharlene took the helm during what will most likely go down in history as the most unpredictable and challenging year in the Foundation’s history. Her prowess as a fund development leader specializing in campaign strategy, relationship building, and strategic leadership of cross-functional teams led the Foundation to its most financially successful year to date.
APRIL 2020
Supporters of all ages and from all corners of the city arrive to celebrate a decade of women’s healthcare excellence at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women from afar.
The tenth anniversary of the opening of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women happened during a catalyst of awareness for the importance of healthcare facilities and healthcare workers. The celebratory parade of vehicles adorned with birthday balloons and signs of support and well wishes for the Lois Hole Hospital for Women and the staff was a sight to behold. Even from a distance, the sense of care and support was tangible in the air.
The Text4Hope app launches, as a free Foundation-funded supportive text messaging service developed by Alberta Health Services.
FC Edmonton kicks off “FCEd Shorts for the Shortage,” a special fundraising package including a pair of FC Edmonton shorts, a team signed poster, a VIP experience, and designation as a “COVID Community Commando” with exclusive recognition at a future home game. The effort raised more than $5,000 for pandemic response funding at the Royal Alex.
FC Edmonton kicks off a campaign to give back to those on the frontlines of care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The creation of the “Foundations of Gratitude” encourages all Albertans to show their appreciation for frontline staff by decorating their windows with hearts.
MAY 2020
In response to the growing demands placed on the healthcare system by the pandemic, the Foundation joins other hospital foundations across Canada to launch The Frontline Fund—a way for all Canadians and Canadian corporations to arm frontline healthcare providers with the supplies, supports, and research funding they need to fight the public health emergency and to support northern communities and indigenous health.
The awareness and desire for other organizations to support our hospital’s response to the pandemic was also growing exponentially, with Uber Eats donating gift cards to provide free meals to our frontline workers.
JUNE 2020
Full House Lottery 2020 is a major success, selling out for the first time in seven years! Ticket buyers had never been more aware and appreciative of the value of the Royal Alexandra and University Hospitals, especially given the importance of these two centres of critical care in a time of extreme pressure on the global health system.
With the continued groundswell of support for frontline workers, Petro-Canada in Inglewood makes a donation in honour of Nurses Week to ensure Royal Alex nurses were thanked and recognized for all that they do each day and throughout the pandemic.
JULY 2020
The Access 24/7 Mental Health and Addiction Services clinic at the Royal Alex recognizes one year of crucial care to our community—services that were needed even more in the face of a global pandemic and mental health challenges that no one could have predicted.
Thanks to the support of the Lois Hole Hospital Women’s Society, an unassuming space in the clinic area receives a compassionate care makeover. This private and dedicated room provides a place of solitude for families to grieve after receiving upsetting news while at the hospital.
The Give a Breath walk/run—led by Founder Tim Monds and his family—happens virtually for the first time. The event succeeded in raising $30,545 in support of lung cancer research, bringing the two-year total to more than $65,000. Give a Breath’s goal is to raise funds and awareness around lung cancer and, more specifically, to improve early detection for biomarkers and destigmatize lung cancer—especially for non-smokers.
Harvest Celebration is offered as a television special for the first time! The annual fundraiser for the Lois Hole Hospital for Women aired on CTV Edmonton on its usual third Saturday in September, featuring a star-studded lineup that including headliner and Canadian icon, Jann Arden, and a number of accomplished local artists and entertainers.
Since its inception in 2013, the Shoppers LOVE. YOU. Run for Women has been held annually to support women’s mental health across the country. Despite the pandemic—and in spite of it—2020 was no exception, and the first virtual Run for Women raised more than $240,000 for the Lois Hole Hospital for Women along the way.
Through a unique and tasty approach, YEG Liqour collaborates with The Growlery to produce “What Gose Around”, a beer in support of the COVID response of more than 6,600 staff at the Royal Alex.
Canadian Comedian, Jessica Holmes keynotes the Foundation’s first-ever virtual Speaking of Health lecture.
The first-ever Speaking of Health virtual lecture “Managing Our Mental Health in Uncertain Times” was a massive success, selling out all 500 registration spots! The long-standing series followed suit with other Foundation events by making the transition to virtual delivery with ease. The evening featured three inspiring female speakers: Sharlene Rutherford, President and CEO of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation; University of Alberta’s infectious disease specialist, Dr. Lynora Saxinger; and keynote Jessica Holmes, Canadian Comedian of Canadian Air Farce fame. Both an informative and entertaining evening was had by all who attended.
Parents Megan Kheong and Peter Clark honoured for National Philanthropy Day by the Foundation.
Each year the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation makes a nomination of deserving supporters in recognition and celebration of National Philanthropy Day. The special day in 2020 recognizes Megan Kheong and Peter Clark who lost their son Nathaniel “Baby Nugget” Clark. They decided to honour his memory by raising support for another Cuddle Cot to allow others to spend more time with their lost little ones.
As Board Chair of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation, Dr. Zaheer Lakhani shares the Foundation’s collective appreciation, gratitude and respect for our donors and our hospital workers on the front line, as they continue to fight an unrelenting battle.
In honour and in memory of Edmonton Oiler Colby Cave, Colby’s wife Emily donated $300.00 for a pizza party, as well as board games and puzzles, for adolescent patients in the Royal Alex’s Child Adolescent Mental Health Unit over the Christmas season. A beautiful way to honour the memory of Cave who is remembered for his infectious smile and his personality that could fill up a room.
Following her daily use of the “Baby ‘N Me” guided journal program for pregnancy bedrest during her eight-week stay at the Lois Hole Hospital for Women, former patient Candice Ouellet is inspired to give back to the program. The guided journal was inspired by Cheryl Krueger, Spiritual Care Practitioner and made possible by the Lois Hole Hospital Women’s Society. The journals are aimed at addressing an expectant mother’s mental health while on bedrest, as the experience can be very draining and can often lead to conditions such as depression.
Heart Month of 2020 shone a light on one program, two cardiologists, three Indigenous communities, and ten years of excellent cardiovascular care. A special feature is published on the Indigenous Heart Health Initiative that is now serving the Enoch Cree Nation, the Maskwacis community and the Frog Lake First Nations community, made possible by donors to the Foundation. This off-shoot of the donor-supported Multicultural Heart Health Program (MHHP) identifies cultural and ethnic groups throughout Alberta that may be most at-risk for cardiovascular health issues and aims to provide heart health services and education.
The long-awaited and much-celebrated PET/CT scanner at the Royal Alexandra Hospital becomes operational thanks to donors from across northern Alberta. PET/CT scans provide information unattainable through other imaging technologies by imaging the body’s function at the molecular level. When doctors see more, they can do more.
MARCH 2021
The Royal Alexandra Foundation releases a video for March 5th—reflecting on the one-year anniversary of Alberta’s first COVID-19 case. The foundation and our community remember those who are no longer with us, but continue to help us light the way forward, recognizing the contributions of those who have carried us this far and help us remain resilient to this very day.
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation becomes a proud recipient of the McConnell Foundation’s Nourish Food Rx: COVID-19 Patient Food Security Fund. This fund will be instrumental toward the Foundation’s goal of improving access to culturally appropriate food for Indigenous patients at the Royal Alex. The work falls under the wider AHS Indigenous Health Program umbrella of care aimed at cultivating a comprehensive and holistic framework for healthcare for Indigenous populations.
The OBIX Perinatal Interface System achieves full funding! The system will allow for coordinated and integrated high-risk pregnancy care throughout northern Alberta thanks to a massive effort from key donors Syncrude, TD Bank Group, Canadian Natural, The Robert Tegler Trust, The William & Florence Lede Family Foundation, The Cliff Lede Family Charitable Foundation, Estate of Donna Osterhout, and the St. Albert Community Foundation. The OBIX Perinatal Interface System will be installed in the Lois Hole Hospital for Women later in the fall, and will allow high-risk pregnant women from all over to access the Lois Hole Hospital’s doctors and new real-time remote monitoring capabilities.
Honour Roll
Each year the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation produces Honour Roll; a publication that celebrates you — our donors!
To make a donation or
for more information, please visit:
780 735 4723
The Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation is accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence and compliance in five key areas of operations: Board Governance, Financial Accountability and Transparency. Fundraising, Staff Management, and Volunteer Involvement.
Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 11912 6217 RR0001